Our Story

Humble Origins

Renewal Lutheran Church (RLC) had its first church service on the 2nd Floor of a rented premise located at Jalan 222, Petaling Jaya. Yet with it's simple rooms and hall, God's anointing could be felt as it filled the place and the hearts of the people. Truly God was in the midst of them.

With a happy heart, the name RLC Enterprise was placed on the entrance of it's doors as it welcomed church-goers in on Sunday mornings. They knew life was never going to be the same for them. As Pastor Joshua delivered the Word of God week by week, message by message, their own lives had seen transformation. News began to spread about the church with the young Lutheran pastor.

In 1991 as the church continued to grow, the RLC moved to Jalan 227. Within 3 years the seating capacity of 350 was filled and a second service was started in 1994. In 1996 God spoke to Pastor Joshua and the Church through various men of God to begin expanding his vision and that God was bringing the church to greater heights.

There was more to come.
Early one morning at 4.00am God woke Pastor Joshua and gave him the blueprint of the Church of the Tomorrow.  With great excitement Pastor Joshua began sharing the vision to the congregation being shown on the big screen of the hall. The audience watched with awe and amazement: "What awesome works is our God doing?"  

There on the screen was only a picture of the building yet the faith and hopes of people were high. It was only a building but for God, it was only the beginning. God was about to do something great in their land and through them, the community would be blessed.

To confirm the vision given to Pastor Joshua, various men and women of God were sent to confirm the word such as Ps Vernon Falls, Ps Chris Gaborit, Ps Irvin Rutherford, Ps Joseph Prince and many more. The call of God could not be more evident upon the church.

Soon, there were multiple calls for intercession and prayer not for the building to come about but in praise and thanksgiving to God that the building was God's promise to them. People began coming in with their whole families and together young and old, worshipped the Lord.

"I’m giving you large premises for they shall be many storey." - Chris Gaborit, April 1996
"God says, expand and get another building. God is challenging you, the church to launch out into the deep. " 
- Vernon Falls, May 1996
"For you shall build for Me a centre of Davidic worship." - Joseph Prince, May 1996


On July 17, 1997, the church moved into the enlarged border of RLC tent in obedience to God's word to "expand and get another building." This vast building opened up many opportunities for the church to have children, youth, young adult and senior ministries as well as multiple events, hosting speakers from around the world and supporting missions everywhere.


Some of their prophecies given over to Ps Joshua and Ps Carey through the years:-

"The Lord says, yes, he has also given to you the vision for the Lutherans. I am going to send you into the nations of the world and you are going to see that Lutherans are going to come. That will be one part of your ministry."

"The Lord is showing a big door to this ministry in Europe. What the Lord has for you is a big work. The Lord wants you to follow the vision more and more."

"Read the vision, meditate on it. He is opening up doors for you in many countries."

"The Lord is going to use you to reach out especially into the nations of Europe. For you see I'm going to use you to spearhead revival in Europe."

1992 - Finland
1995 - Korea
1998 - United States of America
1996 - Germany
1999 - Sweden

Our story includes YOU!

Experience His love and peace at Sunday Service 9:30 am or 11.30 am.