Prophetic Promises & Special Thrusts of Ministry

1 Tim 4:14-15
Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. 15 Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. NKJV
A Very Good Future
Ps Vernon Falls – 19 April 2015

God told me to tell the youths and to tell the parents that they have a future in Malaysia, that God will bless them in Malaysia, that He will increase them, that He will multiply them.

The youths in Malaysia have a future here. They have a very good future here because God has spoken what He is going to do with His people here in Malaysia.

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Center of Davidic Worship
Joseph Prince – May 1996

Pastor Joshua and Pastor Carey, you shall build for Me a center of Davidic worship and the anointing on you both shall be great for the leadership … You shall teach about worship. You shall teach about flowing in the anointing like never before, for I am bringing you higher ... Now you are restoring the temple with worship and praise.
Revival Among Young People
Chris Gaborit – May 2004

I’m calling you to bring revival amongst young people … and they’ll touch the masses, the media, airwaves and all areas of the arts.

People are going to learn how to sing, how to play music, how to do worship, how to dance and how to act …

Out of this church will come CDs, DVDs of what I’m doing, and they will be distributed to churches around the world.

For I’ve called you to be a church that writes music ... to be a church that knows what it is to breakthrough in worship.

Listen to the prophecy on Youtube
Miracle Healing and Place of Great Restoration
Ps Joseph Prince, Aug 17, 2011

For the Word of the Lord will go forth from this place to the four corners of the earth and many will come and say, “Come, let us hear the Word of the Lord.” Many will say let’s go to the miracle place for this shall be known as a place where miracles of God will explode and take place.

In this place is a miracle place, for this is the place of My saving grace. This is the place, where there is abundance of grace, this is the place, where you will see many many be saved; many tears will turn to joy, many sicknesses will turn to health, many of those who are lacking will come and find abundant supply.

Listen to the prophecy on Youtube
Stirring Up Entrepreneurs to be Mighty Pillars
Joseph Prince – May 1996

My son, in a mighty way release words of encouragement that would cause many to fulfil their destinies.  The prophetic words will place a sense of destiny and many will come: businessmen, doctors, lawyers and others.  They will say, "I have tried the ways of the world.  They do not work.  I have lost my family and what I value most.  Teach me the way of the Lord."  These mighty pillars that will be raised up will cause other businessmen to see My glory.  They will bring in their friends, far and near.  You will bring them out of darkness into light and they will see where they have not seen before.  You will cause them to walk in great abundance and peace.

Joel 3:18 ... A fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord.  And water the Valley of Acacias.

The Valley of the Acacias is right above the Dead Sea and is a place of barrenness and I sense that in a very real way that your church is a fountainhead church and that you are a fountain that will flow with prayer, power and prosperity to the barren places of the world.

Being a fountain head as you are, I sense you are going to be renewed in a new powerful sense of prayer.

A fountainhead church of prayer, power, prosperity and provision.

Listen to the prophecy on Youtube

D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Nov 2007

I am going to bless the people doing business, the young people in your church, I am going to prosper them in a great measure.

As you teach them every week; week after week, I will surely bless them. The riches of the world are theirs.

So many are always eager to open new branches, new branches. I am so happy that you are not mad like that. You are all the time concentrating on your church, but it has missions all over the world. Yes, my blessings shall flow out of your church in every way.

Listen to the prophecy on Youtube

Ps Vernon Falls – 1994

The Lord is giving you an anointing to teach in the area of giving and prosperity. For I would say unto you good principles, good clarity and good vision in these particular areas so do not step back.

Prophetic words for the Lead Pastor and family

This is especially for the Personal Intercessors that pray seven minutes a day for Pastor.  The prophetic word for Pastor is also related to the church family.

2 Cor 13:1 Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Thank you for praying in line with the prophetic mandate given to Pastor earlier. Daniel experienced the fulfillment of the prophetic words because he was attentive to the Word and gave himself to pray in line with the Word.  Dan 9:1-5

Prophecies on Lois Yee

I am giving you abilities to organize, to administrate, to put things together.

And the Lord says you are going to be also very creative. He’s given you abilities with arts and computer graphics.

I see you, even now, with the teaching ability. I see that you’ll be teaching children and youth.

Chris Gaborit April 14, Sunday, 1997 in RLC

I’ll make you one that’s going to lead others and you’re not going to be pushed around.

There’s a determination that I’ve given you that when you set your mind on some things, you don’t give up easily on it.

Chris Gaborit, 26 June, 2002

Prophecies on Lydia Yee

You are going to be strong in preaching and in prophesying and you’re going to follow in your father’s footsteps and you’re going to be able to preach the word in season and out.  I’ve given you that heart even to shepherd the sheep and to care for the sheep.

And you’re going to travel at times with your father he’s going to train you up and raise you up.

I have anointed you for the ministry and I’ve set you apart for the ministry and the calling of God is upon you.

Chris Gaborit, to Lydia, June 26, 2003

I’ve given you ability to be able to counsel people, to love them, to be able to stand with them and strengthen them and be a friend to them at times when they are very lonely.

I’m raising you up in leadership. Leadership is upon your life. You are going to be a leader. In the name of Jesus.

Chris Gaborit to Lydia, May 16, 2004

The word for Lydia is on teaching, having love for people. Great compassion and the ministry of mercy and healing.

Ps Vernon, 2003

Prophecies on Joy Yee

I have anointed you to be able to worship Me. I’ve made you a worshipper I’m going to put you up on the stage and you’re going to worship before Me and you’re to lead the people in worship and I’ve given you the spirit of Deborah.

Chris Gaborit to Joy, June 26, 2002

God wants you to know that you are loved. He has chosen you. You didn’t choose Him. It’s not  because of the family you’re in that you are chosen. It’s because the call of God is upon your life and God’s anointing and hand is upon you.

Chris Gaborit to Joy, May 16, 2004

You will be writing songs.  Music will be part of you and you will be also writing books.

The Lord says, ‘I will anointing your mind with ideas, with creative thinking and with the abilities of being a dreamer.

You are going to dream a great vision like Joseph.

Chris Gaborit to Joy, 2005

Joy is called to preach. She has a strong calling in her life. She is called to preach. Pastor of 10,000 people. She is a special child; she has a special love for both of you.

Vernon to children, 2003

Though people will giggle and laugh at you when you say you are going to be a pastor, know that the Lord put that in you too. That is the desire of Him, and your parents are going to help shape that.

Tony Cribb to Joy, 2005

But you don’t worry about the ministry.  Your own children and their spouses shall take over that place.  Therefore, the vision which the church was started shall go on.  I give you favor in the eyes of those in the authority in the government.  Whatever you want to do for the church shall be seen through by them.

Dhinakaran on Children, Dec 2006

You will give her the gifts of the Holy Spirit and she will be a prophetess and her words will come through and be established at this age, and she will be great consolation and comfort to her parents, Lord.

Dhinakaran on Joy, Sept 1, 2002

He gives you a deep insight into the Scriptures and knowledge of the Bible. My hands are all upon you and I have chosen you to do My ministry.

Dhinakaran to Joy, 2006

You carry a seven times stronger anointing than your dad.

Ps Bernard Teh on Joy, 2006
Paul Geerling to Joy Yee, Aug 22, 2006
Lord God, such a hunger for You, hunger, hunger to do something great for You.

I see you, although as a young person, you’re such a leader in the house not because of a heritage, which is great, as your parents has given you a great heritage.  It is because you are a young person who has seen God.  When you read the Word, you get first-hand revelation for yourself and then you can pass it on to others.

He is going to prepare you for greatness, prepare you to be a mighty preacher, pastor, prepare a mighty leader that moves in signs, wonders and miracles.
Irvin Rutherford to Joy Yee
You have strong preaching anointing and you are walking in your dad’s footsteps.

I pray that she would have a team around her that is filled with the Holy Spirit’s power – the team of a local church, the team of men and women in business, the team of her own sisters and her own family that will surround her with care.
Pastors Bernard & Dorothy Teh to Joy Yee, Sept 2022, Taiping
When she was fifteen years old, I saw something in her. You say, fifteen years old, what is that? She carries a strong anointing to serve the Lord.

I saw big feet. She can carry big shoes, bigger shoes. I saw in her - on top of her, the rainbow of the Lord.

You may even think, “Well, what am I? I’m young.”  But, you are going to do greater work from the Lord. And the anointing, I say to you is, it will be 7 times more than your father and your mother in the future. Don’t worry about what people say of you,  as what Dr Jim has already said, “This is your moment. This is your time. This is your blessing.”
Pastor Jim Rion to Joy Yee, Sept 22, 2022 Taiping
You have selected Joy. You knew her in her mother’s womb and all of her days were ordained by You.

But You have selected her. And God, You are ordering her steps and her obedience has been an offering that has a sweet smelling savour to.

And now God, I pray, that she will begin to function in an anointing and in a platform that she has never known before. She has done well and served well. And now God, she will begin to lead leaders.

I pray Father that You will give her that anointing and people will see upon her the mantle of God’s authority.

And Lord, give her a voice into this generation. Give her unusual influence. God open up doors for her.

I pray in the Name of Jesus, God, that You will take her down a pathway and she will see, Lord, a multiplication. She will see, the Kingdom enlarge through her.

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